Lamello Invis Mx2 Starter Kit c/w Systainer
Product Overview
Manufacturer: Lamello
Invis Mx is the unique connection that satisfies the highest demands for aesthetics, stability and productivity.
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With no visible openings, Invis Mx can be quickly detached and reconnected at any time via its magnet drive.
The MiniMag Mx drive magnet is compatible with any standard cordless drill with a speed of 1200 – 1500rpm.
The rotating magnetic field of the MiniMag Mx drives the connector just as one cogwheel drives another.
The thread on the connector attaches screws into the internal thread of the stud, driven by the contact-free magnetic field.
To undo the connection, simply reverse the rotational direction of the drill.
Powerful screwed joints with 160kg clamping force per connector via the M5 stainless steel screw.
Both connector and stud are 12mm in diameter with a coarse outer thread that will ‘bite’ into the drilled 12mm hole.
Internal threaded stud is 14mm in length and the threaded jointing element is 30mm.
Easy handling due to the installation tolerance.
Achieve perfectly clamped joints without the need for clamps; ideal for curved elements.
Ideal for any jointing application including furniture making, stairs, wall separation panels etc.
Included as Standard: 1 x MiniMag Mx Magnetic Driver, 2 x Driver Bits, Flexi Shaft for tight corners & 20 x Connectors & Studs
Genuine Lamello accessory from an authorised partner: 6100300